Sunday, August 17, 2008


Welcome to the Strange sections of EDM 310! Read this post and check your University eail for two emails from me.

A syllabus has been posted. You can find the link to the right under the heading Syllabus and Handouts.

A list of Blog Topics has also been posted in the same place.

I have also posted a link to a document titled Creating A Blog. We will create a blog the first week of class. To od that you will need a Google account. The Creating A Blog document explains how to do this. It is easier to do if you accept my invitation to establish a Google account which I will be sending you in an email sometime today or tomorrow. My hope is that all class members will have a Google account before class on Wednesday or Thursday. That will not happen, but the fewer accounts we have to establish in class, the better. If you already have a Google account, you may use it for this class. You will need a new Blogger Blog, however. If you are eager to get started, an instructional video is available to help you Create A Blog. It can be found, again on the right, under the heading Instructional Videos By John Strange

Since I have only your USA email addresses, check your University email for a welcome note calling attention to this blog.

A second email containing the invitation to establish a Google account will follow shortly after that.

I will take your picture Tuesday. Be forewarned!

Welcome to EDM 310!

John Strange

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